4 little changes that can take your career to the next level in 2018 - The Lifestyle


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Wednesday, 3 January 2018

4 little changes that can take your career to the next level in 2018

4 little changes that can take your career to the next level in 2018

The much-awaited New Year is finally here. While you might have made resolutions to exercise daily, read 20 books before the year ends, splurge less on clothes or learn to play a musical instrument, but have you spared a thought about your professional life? In case, you are still figuring out what all you can do to climb up the corporate ladder in 2018, we have got you covered.
We have compiled a list of six small changes that can make a huge difference in your career. Apart from increasing your daily productivity and managing the stress levels at workplace, these habits would also help you to achieve a better work-life balance. Plus, these changes are quite easy to inculcate in your daily schedule, and are bound to give results even before you start realising.

We all procrastinate at work and it is not a serious issue till the time it starts to hamper your performance. Instead of delaying a task simply because it does not interest you, set a deadline and challenge yourself to complete it. Remind yourself that there is no point in escaping or delaying it and ultimately, you are increasing your own work burden. Make it a habit to prepare a to-do list every morning, and include a few boring tasks (that make you procrastinate) in it among the important ones. If not this, break your task into small, achievable steps, and push yourself to complete them.

Instead of stressing over all the tasks you have in your hand, learn to prioritise them and work accordingly. In fact, try to plan your work a day in advance, so that you already know the things you need to do once you reach office. Use your email calendar to mark all the important deadlines, meetings and other events. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

Push yourself out of your comfort zone, and try to take up new projects that offer you learning opportunities. It would help you to address your weak areas, and challenge your existing skills. Commit yourself to give your best shot to whatever you are doing, and you will soon become your own source of motivation.

A constructive feedback hurts no one! Ask your peers to review your work and share their feedback. It will help you to accelerate your own learning and improve your knowledge level. Further, it would help to meet the expectation levels of your manager and make you a better team player.

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